Heal 10 damage from each of your Pokémon.
Supertype | Pokémon |
Subtype | Basic |
HP | 40 |
Types | Fairy |
Attack | Aromatherapy |
Attack cost | Fairy |
Artist | 5ban Graphics |
Rarity | Common |
Pokédex | 669 |
Evolves to | Floette |
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- Store Name: DutchGem
- Vendor: DutchGem
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Lost Thunder
Electricity leaks from it in amounts far greater than the amount of electricity it eats.
Brilliant Stars
It controls waves known as auras, which are powerful enough to pulverize huge rocks. It uses these waves to take down its prey.
Rebel Clash
Its body is full of poisonous gas. It floats into garbage dumps, seeking out the fumes of raw, rotting trash.
Paldean Fates
Its constant mischief and misdeeds resulted in it being bound to an Odd Keystone by a mysterious spell.
Paldea Evolved
Evolution made it even more devious. It communicates by clawing signs in boulders.
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