Heal 30 damage from each of your Pokémon.
When the flowers of a well-tended flower bed bloom, it appears and celebrates with an elegant dance.
Supertype | Pokémon |
Subtype | Stage 1 |
HP | 70 |
Types | Fairy |
Attack | Aromatherapy |
Attack cost | Fairy |
Artist | Midori Harada |
Rarity | Uncommon |
Pokédex | 670 |
Evolves from | Flabébé |
Evolves to | Florges |
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Vendor Information
- Store Name: DutchGem
- Vendor: DutchGem
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If there is any Stadium card in play, this attack does 50 more damage, and this attack’s damage isn’t affected by Resistance or any effects on your opponent’s Active Pokémon.
Battle Styles
Because Galarian Slowpoke eat the seeds of a plant that grows only in Galar, their tails have developed a spicy flavor.
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Its Tackle is forceful enough to flip a 50-ton tank. It shields its allies from danger with its own body.
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