Steam Siege
It tosses its enemies around with agility. It uses all its limbs to fight in its own unique style.
Steam Siege
It uses ceilings and walls to launch aerial attacks. Its fiery tail is but one weapon.
Steam Siege
The gas made in its belly burns from its rear end. The fire burns weakly when it feels sick.
Steam Siege
It gallops at nearly 150 mph. With its mane blazing ferociously, it races as if it were an arrow.
Steam Siege
Its legs grow strong while it chases after its parent. It runs in fields and mountains all day.
Steam Siege
When volcanic ash darkened the atmosphere, it is said that Volcarona's fire provided a replacement for the sun.
Steam Siege
The base of volcanoes is where they make their homes. They shoot fire from their five horns to repel attacking enemies.
Steam Siege
It lures prey close by dancing and waving its arm caps, which resemble Poké Balls, in a swaying motion.
Steam Siege
It lures Pokémon with its pattern that looks just like a Poké Ball then releases poison spores.
Steam Siege
By flapping its leafy fan, it can whip up gusts of 100 ft/second that can level houses.
Steam Siege
It lives deep in forests. With the leaf on its head, it makes a flute whose song makes listeners uneasy.
Steam Siege
When it dangles from a tree branch, it looks just like an acorn. It enjoys scaring other Pokémon.