- gekkestraat, 179 Utrecht, Paesi Bassi
- 0639724760
Battle Styles
Through its horns, it can pick up on the emotions of creatures around it. Positive emotions are the source of its strength.
Battle Styles
Drampa is a kind and friendly Pokémon—up until it's angered. When that happens, it stirs up a gale and flattens everything around.
Battle Styles
Their fluffy fur absorbs damage, even if they strike foes with a fierce headbutt.
Battle Styles
If your opponent’s Basic Pokémon is Knocked Out by damage from this attack, take 1 more Prize card.
Battle Styles
To make itself appear intimidatingly beefy, it tightly cinches its waist with its twin tails.
Battle Styles
When it's happy, Glameow demonstrates beautiful movements of its tail, like a dancing ribbon.
Battle Styles
It uses its tongue much more skillfully than its hands or its feet. It can deftly pick up a single small bean with its tongue.
Battle Styles
It licks filth clean with its tongue. Whatever it licks always stinks afterward, so whether it's really clean is…questionable.
Battle Styles
Carrying food through Fearow's territory is dangerous. It will snatch the food away from you in a flash!