- gekkestraat, 179 Utrecht, Paesi Bassi
- 0639724760
Furious Fists
It lives in arid deserts. It makes a sloping pit trap in sand where it patiently awaits prey.
Furious Fists
It stomps on the ground to build power. It can send a 10-ton truck flying with a straight-arm punch.
Furious Fists
It toughens up by slamming into thick trees over and over. It gains a sturdy body and dauntless spirit.
Furious Fists
Its short arms stretch when it throws punches. Its technique is equal to that of pro boxers.
Furious Fists
It fights while spinning like a top. The centrifugal force boosts its destructive power by 10.
Furious Fists
The arm-twisting punches it throws pulverize even concrete. It rests after three minutes of fighting.
Furious Fists
The legs freely contract and stretch. The stretchy legs allow it to hit a distant foe with a rising kick.
Furious Fists
Its four ruggedly developed arms can launch a flurry of 1,000 punches in just two seconds.
Furious Fists
Its muscular body is so powerful, it must wear a power-save belt to be able to regulate its motions.
Furious Fists
It hefts a Graveler repeatedly to strengthen its entire body. It uses every type of martial arts.
Furious Fists
It is said that Golurk were ordered to protect people and Pokémon by the ancient people who made them.