- gekkestraat, 179 Utrecht, Paesi Bassi
- 0639724760
Primal Clash
Loving to battle, this Pokémon pinches all Pokémon that enter its territory with its pincers and throws them out.
Primal Clash
Switch 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon with his or her Active Pokémon. This attack does 30 damage to the new Active Pokémon.
Primal Clash
As powerful as an excavator, its ears can reduce dense bedrock to rubble. When it's finished digging, it lounges lazily.
Primal Clash
By spinning its body, it can dig straight through the ground at a speed of 30 mph.
Primal Clash
It blasts internally stored sand from ports on its body to create a towering twister for attack.
Primal Clash
It enshrouds itself with sand to protect itself from germs. It does not enjoy getting wet.
Primal Clash
If there is any Stadium card in play, this attack does 100 more damage. Discard that Stadium card.
Primal Clash
Flip a coin. If heads, discard an Energy attached to your opponent’s Active Pokémon.
Primal Clash
This legendary Pokémon is said to represent the land. It went to sleep after dueling Kyogre.
Primal Clash
It absorbs solar energy during the day. Always expressionless, it can sense what its foe is thinking.
Primal Clash
It makes an inescapable conical pit and lies in wait at the bottom for prey to come tumbling down.
Primal Clash
Through yoga training, it gained the psychic power to predict its foe's next move.