If there is any Stadium card in play, this attack does 120 more damage. Then, discard that Stadium card.
Supertype | Pokémon |
Subtype | Stage 2 |
HP | 240 |
Types | Fighting |
Attack | Desert Hurricane |
Attack cost | Fighting |
Artist | 5ban Graphics |
Rarity | Rare Holo GX |
Pokédex | 330 |
Evolves from | Vibrava |
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Furious Fists
The energy that burns inside it enables it to move, but no one has yet been able to identify this energy.
Paradox Rift
Choose up to 2 of your Benched Pokémon. For each of those Pokémon, search your deck for a card that evolves from that Pokémon and put it onto that Pokémon to evolve it. Then, shuffle your deck.
It flutters around fields of flowers and cares for flowers that are starting to wilt. It draws out the hidden power of flowers to battle.
Rebel Clash
Switch 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon with their Active Pokémon. This attack does 30 damage to the new Active Pokémon.
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