Heal 30 damage from each of your Benched Pokémon.
Supertype | Pokémon |
Subtype | Basic |
HP | 120 |
Types | Water |
Attack | Mineral Pump |
Attack cost | Water |
Artist | Eske Yoshinob |
Rarity | Rare Holo EX |
Pokédex | 490 |
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Silver Tempest
Krokorok has specialized eyes that enable it to see in the dark. This ability lets Krokorok hunt in the dead of night without getting lost.
Primal Clash
Apparently, it can detect the innate qualities of leadership. According to legend, whoever it recognizes is destined to become king.
Darkness Ablaze
You may discard an Energy from this Pokémon. If you do, discard an Energy from your opponent’s Active Pokémon.
Furious Fists
With its extremely tough muscles, it can keep swimming in the Pacific Ocean without resting.
Sun & Moon
When one is injured in a fierce battle, it hardens into a stone-like form. Then it meditates and sharpens its mind.
Cosmic Eclipse
It lives alone, away from others. Apparently, every one of them believes it is the most important.
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