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Shining Legends


The rain clouds it carries let it fire thunderbolts at will. They say that it descended with lightning.

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Shining Legends


It explodes in response to even minor stimuli. It is feared, with the nickname of "The Bomb Ball."

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Shining Legends


It was discovered when Poké Balls were introduced. It is said that there is some connection.

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Shining Legends


This attack does 20 more damage times the amount of Lightning Energy attached to your Pokémon.

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Shining Legends


A plan was recently announced to gather many Pikachu and make an electric power plant.

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Shining Legends

Shining Volcanion

It lets out billows of steam and disappears into the dense fog. It's said to live in mountains where humans do not tread.

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Shining Legends


It crosses the world, running over the surfaces of oceans and rivers. It appears at scenic waterfronts.

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Shining Legends


It is born with a wondrous power that lets it bond with any kind of Pokémon.

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Shining Legends


It is said to live in a gap in the spatial dimension parallel to ours. It appears in mythology.

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Shining Legends


It floats using its well-developed flotation sac. It assists in the rescues of drowning people.

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Shining Legends


It swims by rotating its two tails like a screw. When it dives, its flotation sac collapses.

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Shining Legends


To fire its poison spikes, it must inflate its body by drinking over 2.6 gallons of water all at once.