Chilling Reign
Crossing icy seas is no issue for this cold-resistant Pokémon. Its smooth skin is a little cool to the touch.
Chilling Reign
It's skilled at both offense and defense, and it gets pumped up when cheered on. But if it starts showboating, it could put itself in a tough spot.
Chilling Reign
It kicks berries right off the branches of trees and then juggles them with its feet, practicing its footwork.
Chilling Reign
It has special pads on the backs of its feet, and one on its nose. Once it's raring to fight, these pads radiate tremendous heat.
Chilling Reign
According to legends, it was hatched from a flaming cocoon to save people and Pokémon that were suffering from the cold.
Chilling Reign
It protects itself with flame. Long years ago, people believed Larvesta had a nest on the sun.
Chilling Reign
Castform changes to this form when it basks in bright sunlight. When you touch its glowing skin, it feels all dried out!
Chilling Reign
Once the vines on Zarude's body tear off, they become nutrients in the soil. This helps the plants of the forest grow.
Chilling Reign
The one with the best drumming techniques becomes the boss of the troop. It has a gentle disposition and values harmony among its group.